Buy or sell your used car safely

Car dealerships
Buying from a car dealer opens the doors to many new and used car models. In addition, you will benefit from many interesting advantages.

Buy online
Faster than prospecting in the field, buying online requires a minimum of technique to find the rare pearl. Instructions for quickly becoming the owner of your next car.

Buying between individuals
This method has been in use for decades, buying between private individuals is still common today. While the principle has significant advantages, one must also be wary of the hidden traps.

Technical inspection: how to prepare your car properly?

and signalling
Essential points to obtain the technical inspection certificate, the elements to see and be seen must be well operational. Functional self-lighting and optimal signalling are decisive.

Structure and
In terms of road safety, the general structure of the car is an eliminatory parameter in case of failure. Alignment and cleanliness of the car body are validation keys.

Smooth, noiseless and smooth engagement and operation confirm the good condition of the individual mechanical parts. Reduce or eliminate any suspicious noise and replace defective parts.
What documents must be on board your car?
In order to drive with peace of mind, you must have official car documents. In addition to the vehicle registration document and the insurance certificate, you must be able to present the other documents on board.

Vehicle registration certificate
This paper certifies that your vehicle has been registered with the official authorities and that it can circulate on the territory.

Driver’s license
This official authorization allows you to drive around with your car. Without it, you simply can’t get behind the wheel.

Technical inspection certificate
This document certifies that your vehicle meets the standards required for safe operation on all public roads.
Cheap car insurance: how to go about it?

Taking out car insurance is mandatory for all land motor vehicles. An insurance comparator will help you find the best proposal. Save time with an online insurance for possible coverages and coverages.
Tips, tricks and advice

Eco driving – Tips and good practices
Your car’s combustion engine is a source of pollution. However, you have the opportunity to drive clean, as with the eco-friendly cars that are now starting to hit the roads. For starters, adopt a smooth and calm driving style. Forget aggressive methods and excessive speeds. Keeping the engine revs in check helps to limit fuel consumption and, as a result, helps to preserve the ozone layer.
In addition, carry out periodic maintenance within the recommended time limits. Forcing the engine to run without changing the oil at the right time wears out your engine prematurely. At the same time, you increase the production of harmful gases.

Young drivers: what are the rules in force?
Unlike senior drivers, a young driver’s license does not yet have the experience from which the former benefit. They are therefore subject to certain
administrative constraints, the most important of which concerns insurance. Like everyone else who owns a motor vehicle, they are required to take out car insurance.
But the difference lies in the amount of the premium and the way the bonus-malus system works. But other obligations also await the young
driver’s license, you can find more infos on
What mistakes should not be made in winter?
In the cold season, we sometimes make innocent gestures that end up costing a lot of money. Before the start, believing that a good dose of warm water will quickly clear the windscreen of the snowpack that has piled up on it is a fatal mistake. Instead, you’ll end up with some nice cracks, with most of the frost still well in place. Instead, be patient and let the engine’s heat gradually eliminate the stubborn plates.